maandag 17 november 2014

Why I don't like Primark ...

For most women on the planet Primark is the ultimate shopping-expierence!
Cheap clothes (and when I say cheap I mean like for a penny) , tons and tons of products (tights, tshirts, lipstick, onesies,..) all together in one store, latest trends, one in every big city and even a webshop.
Well, all those reasons are for me the main reason why I hate primark.

Hate is a strong word, I don't hate it, I just don't like it. Personnaly I don't get it and this is why...

Quality over quantity is always a value I've learned from a young age, so why would I buy 5 shirts in different colors. In theory you're always wearing the same shirt, it just has a different color.
Quality, it means wearing it more than one time, being able to wash it without shrinking, a great fitting, no loose ends, no crooked seams....
I think I've made myself clear on this one.

Cheap...most people would be glad, yeah I bought a dress for 5€... well good for you! Ever had a second to think about how the dress is made?
People, the dress costs 5€ will not be made in the best circumstances! Oh I know, some other famous brands had that problem a while ago. Yes they did, and yes they tried to make changes.
Honestly, I thought H&M had low prices, how can Primark go even lower?
Really it's something to think about, the hands that made that dress will not receive 5€ that day, made a 100 dresses in sweatshops, forced to work 15 hours a day at least!
And working in Primark must be like hell, women everywhere, trying to get the last of an item, just placing it somewhere else in the store, leaving in the fitting rooms, leaving it on the floor!
If they aren't friendly, that's just freaking normal!

Queus, queus and more queus... really...waiting in line for 15 minutes to try out a tshirt, waiting in line for 30 minutes to pay. Sounds like true fun!
And offcourse all this queuing leads to people fitting in the stores! Heavenly!

Wearing the latest trends doesn't make you a fashion queen, it makes you a fashion victim!
Find your own style, nothing is worse than a 1000 people wearing all the same.
Here was another reason why I don't like chainshopping! Stand out! Don't blend it!
Don't mistake me for a snob, I don't wear Vuitton or Louboutins! I just love buying clothes in small shops! Supporting local stores! Honestly, I save my money till it's sales-time or I just save money for that special piece. I have dresses that I've already own for 4 years, they still look abfab! :-)

Have a nice time shopping in Primark, they won't see me ever again!

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