zaterdag 15 november 2014

Frizz hair fixers

It's the most wonderful time of the year, except you have to deal with the frizz of your hair.
Weather is humid, your hair is dry, you know what I'm talking about.
Here are some tips to avoid frizzy hair. 

 Quick fixers; 
- run wet fingers through dry hair 
- wear a hat 

How to avoid frizzy hair : 
- use conditioner every time after washing your hair! Leave it on for 5 minutes before rinsing! 
- check the conditioner, it has to be rich of proteins 
- avoid drying your hair with a towel, a tshirt is less aggresive for your hair 
- use a serum or oil (especially when you are going to heat) 
- use a round comb when you blow dry your hair 
- alcohol free products are known for their anti-frizzyness (check lush) 
- apply olive oil on your hair for 30 minutes before washing it 
- try to heat the hair oil (make sure you don't burn your scalp)

Don't use too much oil, serum or conditioner! Your hair will just look greasy! 

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