zaterdag 15 juni 2013

How to get a perfect fake tan!

- Make sure your skin is perfectly hydrated! So use a bodylotion every day! You need to do this for a while before you start with a fake tan-product!
- Before you apply the product get rid of all death skin, so make sure you scrub!
- Next apply bodylotion!
- Apply the product slow and secure, get help for the places you can't reach yourself!
- Make sure you keep on hydrating and scrubbing!

- If you want to do your face, you can add vaseline (petrol jelly) on your eyebrows and on your hairline...
- Wear gloves to avoid orange palms!

- Some bodylotion give you a light tan each time you use them, you can try this is if you are afraid to get the real thing!

Here some great fake-tanners, L'oreal does a great job too, but the smell is really intense! It is a mousse so for fake-tan-virgins it's a go-go!

donderdag 13 juni 2013


Sweet look of the day by MAC

Check this out!
It's a look created by the awesome MAC!
You need the following items to get this look!

Here are the products from the BAKING beauty-line by MAC! 


Tip of the day!

Not only your skin needs protection in summer, also your hair needs some too!
You can find hair protectors in supermarkets, but also at your hairdresser!
Next stop using your Föhn! You hair gets heat enough from the sun.

woensdag 12 juni 2013

Keep on smiling!

Black/white and some...

Black and white you can't go wrong with this combination. It will stay a classic forever! 
Try to add some color and you're more fashionable than ever! 

Get your ass off

Trying to beat cellulite, a problem that 90% of us women faces...

First things first:
- you can't go without exercising : running, biking, swimming are all great cellulite-killers

- get that tan (fake or real): the cellulite will be less visible
- get that cream : make sure you hydrate your skin (if you have enough money you can buy the special cellulite-creams, but don't except miracles from them)

Last but not least:
- eat less fat : go for low-fat dairy products (such as low-fat milk, cheese, yoghurt), try to avoid red meat
- try to add fish: they contain great fatty-acids!
- eat your vegs and your fruits!
- try to eat soups (loads of water to keep you hydrated, loads of vegetables!!!)
- eat whole-grain products
- try to avoid salt , you will hold up fluids
- drink loads and loads of water!
- avoid snacking (what a surprise)


Fresh for summer

a fresh look by D&G

Things you need:
- a light foundation
- concealer to get away imperfections
- white eyeshadow
- a little bit of black eyeliner , to get those "cat-eyes"
- peach blush
- nice ,clean eyebrows
- a lip-gloss in a natural color