vrijdag 4 oktober 2013

I need my ..Fitspo

the best of NY Fashion Week - Winter - Get inspired!!!

Start today!

tip of the day: get big eyes

if you wanna do something crazy! 

tip of the day

You don't need to buy "touche d'éclat" from YSL to get your bags away (under your eyes, yes those ones...at the end of the week we all have them..).
After you finished your eye-make up, add some conceiler or regular foundation underneath your eyes...

No more bags & saves you money! 

donderdag 3 oktober 2013

Get inspired: streetstyle PFW

Here are some pictures taken at Paris Fashion week, some nice accessoiries, shoes,..
Get inspired!

Would you wear it...

Back when you were a little one, remember you could buy a ring telling you exactly how you felt at the moment.
A few years later we all learned that it just was something about heat and color-changing.
Well now there is a sweater that changes color as the ring.
This sweater will measure your heart-rate and the production of your sweat and adapt its color...
and it's ugly as hell! 


We remind ourselves to keep protecting animals, to hug our animals slightly harder, to keep them close, to never hurt them and to love them unconditionally!
My best decision was to go vegan... I feel better now. For me nobody has to become a vegan, you have to do it for yourself and you can't be pushed into it!
But I couldn't eat meat anymore, a strange feeling.. so I've been vegan for a month and I feel so much better!

Bluegirl - Spring Summer 2014 - Milan Fashion Week

Louis Vuitton - Spring Summer 2014 - men


the birds!!! !

love love love the flowers! 

Hot and Happening : the eye of Kenzo

Kenzo has designed a sweater with an "eye" on it! Now are "eyes" spotted everywhere!
Check out the following pictures for some inspiration!