maandag 17 november 2014

tips for winter: skin edition

In winter your skin can get more dry, your face and body may need other products and more attention.
Here are some tips:

- ban superhot baths, your skin will only suffer more!
- apply a moisturizer on your hands! Your hands will suffer in winter so use a cream or a lotion to keep your hands moist! You can always use the "overnight treatment". Apply a thick layer of handcream and put on cotton gloves! Sexy, I know, but your hands will love you !
- dry elbows? Give them a scrub and finish off with lotion!
- apply a thick face cream with high SPF to avoid windburns!
- use a hydrating mask once a week at least to avoid a dry face!
- avoid strong products that contain alcohol on your face!
- if your nails are suffering, apply olive oil! If you don't like the smell, apply nailpolish to protect your nails!
- time to use lipbalms again! Keep one in every handbag! Another tip, use your toothbrush to gently scrub your lips.
- scrub your feet once a week! Give them a thick layer of lotion after!
- eat more omega 3 fatty acids! Use olive oil to cook, add some advocado on the menu, eat nuts and add flax in your yoghurt!
- vitamine C is a great skin protector! Look for citrus fruits and dark green veggies!
- drink plenty of water to keep your inside hydrated!

Most people use the same products in winter and summer! Switch, in winter your skin needs richer products!

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