vrijdag 23 augustus 2013

Healthy inspirations : cravings

Last week was a horrorweek for my body-image..I had my period, and I just couldn't stop eating....so it was exercising, eating, exercising,feeling guitly,... It's been a long time I felt this bad about my own body... I really feel so fat. I know it's not normal, but hey...we all have those times I guess....
So my week was miserable.... I really need to cut on food from now on. I feel so bad!
I had so much cravings, so I searched some anti-craving tips and I will share them with you all!

Do This!

  • Stimulate happiness. "Women especially have a profound emotional reaction to music," notes Bulik. She asks her clients to create upbeat playlists to listen to whenever a food craving strikes. The songs provide a distraction and an emotional release. 
  • Wait it out. "People give in to cravings because they think they'll build in intensity until they become overwhelming, but that's not true," says Bulik. Food cravings behave like waves: They build, crest, and then disappear. If you can "surf the urge," you have a better chance of beating it altogether, she says.
  • Choose the best distraction. "What you're really craving is to feel better," says Linda Spangle, RN, a weight loss coach in Broomfield, CO, and author of 100 Days of Weight Loss. You've heard the trick about phoning a friend or exercising instead of eating. But "taking a solo walk won't help if you're feeling lonely," says Laurie Mintz, PhD, a professor of counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. Instead, identify your current emotion—bored, anxious, mad—by filling in these blanks: "I feel ____ because of ____." Then find an activity that releases it. If you're stressed, channeling nervous energy into a workout can help; if you're upset over a problem at the office, call a friend and ask for advice.

Read more: http://www.prevention.com/weight-loss/weight-loss-tips/how-stop-food-cravings-and-overeating#ixzz2cmBFUIS2

1. Give in to the best cravings
In a weight loss study by the USDA Agricultural Research Service, the people who lost the most weight gave into their cravings for more caloric foods but did so less frequently than their larger counterparts. The bottom line: Choose the Ben & Jerry’s Super Fudge Chunk you crave over the low-fat frozen yogurt. Just be sure not to choose it often.
2. Think about something else
In one experiment, as reported in Science Daily, people craving chocolate were more forgetful than those who weren’t having a craving. It seems that during a craving, much of our brain power is focused on that food so we have a hard time focusing on other tasks. Volunteers experiencing a craving were then asked to imagine a rainbow or the smell of eucalyptus. The result: Reduced food cravings. A “flickering pattern of black and white dots on a monitor” or TV white noise had the same affect. Their finding: “Engaging in a simple visual task seems to hold real promise as a method for curbing food cravings.” Could the Cure My Craving app be on its way?
3. Turn off the TV
It’s no surprise that a study of college students, TV time and snack consumption found that those that watched the most TV were more likely to be overweight than those who watched less. Increased exposure to images of junk-food ads doesn’t help. Next time you crave a bag of cheese doodles, turn on some music instead.
4. Get checked by your doctor
Can ice cravings signal a sign of an undiagnosed case of anemia? Scientists believe it’s possible that the ice “relieves inflammation in the mouth brought on by iron deficiencies.” According to the New York Times, some people go through bags of ice each day. How to deal with the craving? Relief for some came in the form of iron supplements.
5. Tap, tap, tap it away
Psychological acupuncture, also known as the emotional freedom technique (EFT), has been shown to reduce cravings without the need for will power, which often fails. The process, performed by a person trained in the technique, combines “gentle tapping on pressure points while focusing on particular emotions and thoughts.” Read more about the emotional freedom technique.

Read more: http://www.rd.com/health/diet-weight-loss/5-new-ways-to-deal-with-food-cravings/#ixzz2cmCfXFji

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