dinsdag 6 augustus 2013

tip of the day ; rainbows!

Vogue published the following article on these cute bracelets! 

"There are many reasons to love Paris, but according to globe-trotting French designerDeborah Weinberger, the weather isn’t one of them. “I always want to be where the sun is!” she says. Drawing on every hue in the spectrum, Rainbowlink, her line of mood-brightening accessories, is the escapist’s antidote to an urban wardrobe. “I used to collect friendship bracelets in every city when I was a kid,” says Weinberger, who produces her label in Malaysia and lists the island of Phuket in Thailand as one of her favorite vacation destinations of all time. “But I hated the fact that you could never take them off, until one day they fell off in the shower.” Stylish girls all over the French capital have been wearing them by the armful—in fact, we first spotted the woven, irreverently mottoed pieces on the chic wrists of Emilie Bonnouvrier in Vogue’s Paris office, who piles them on alongside her Cartier Love and Aurelie Bidermann bracelets. And if you can’t find a phrase to satisfy your wanderlust in the collection that ranges from life-affirming (Never Say Die) to whimsical (Ibiza Addict), she’ll custom-weave a bangle to suit your mood. "

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